Sabtu, 01 Juli 2017

Pentingnya Web Bagi UKM / Pelaku Usaha

Banyak dari pelaku usaha belum mengetahui betapa pentingnya website bagi pengembangan usaha. Walaupun sebenarnya sudah ada banyak fasilitas media online yang seharusnya bisa dimanfaatkan oleh para UKM guna memasarkan produknya, dengan alasan sudah ada jutaan produk/usaha yang terekam di internet, tetapi tidak sedikit dari mereka yang bisa menggunakan fasilitas online untuk menarik perhatian konsumen, seperti halnya adalah website. Berikut ini adalah pentingnya website bagi para pelaku usaha :
1.      Mayoritas masyarakat sekarang menggunakan internet untuk mencari produk/jasa yang dibutuhkan maupun diinginkan
Di jaman teknologi ini, sudah banyak masyarakat yang mencari segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan melalui internet, hanya dengan membuka komputer atau melalui smartphone saja para pelanggan bisa mengakses website yang telah dikelola, hal tersebut menurut beberapa orang bukan merupakan hal yang sulit, maka mayoritas masyarakat menggunakan internet sebagai andalannya.
2.      Dapat dijadikan media promosi
Website yang dikelola secara baik, bisa mendatangkan konsumen baru kapan saja dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak tanpa perlu mengganggu kesibukan lainnya.
Pelanggan dapat masuk ke website kita siang ataupun malam. Dengan cara ini pelanggan dapat dilayani 24 x 7 atau 24 jam sehari.
3.      Konsumen dapat bertransaksi 24 jam
Dengan menggunakan teknologi ini kita dapat melayani pelaggan secara non-stop atau 24 jam. Karena pelanggan dapat masuk ke website kapanpun, penggunaan website merupakan salah satu cara yang paling baik digunakan untuk UKM agar pendapatan yang didapatkan maksimal.
4.      Mempermudah komunikasi
Melalui website, Kita bisa berkomunikasi dengan mudah. Entah itu dengan klien, dengan teman-teman, dengan calon konsumen dan sebagainya. Website modern dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur komunikasi yang memungkinkan kita berbicara dengan .Adanya kotak komentar di website, adanya form contact adalah sebagian kecil dari cara komunikasi malalui website.
5.      Lebih ekonomis
Internet dapat diakses dengan harga, waktu, dan tenaga yang ekonomis. Iklan dapat diakses untuk jangka waktu yang lama.
6.      Dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas
Dalam hal ini pelaku usaha berpotensi dapat memasarkan produknya sampai  ke penjuru dunia. Para pelaku usaha dapat melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
a.       Memiliki Situs Web yang Sesuai Pasar.
Memiliki situs web adalah langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan untuk menembus ekspor via Internet. Melalui situs web inilah calon pembeli mendapatkan informasi selengkap mungkin mengenai siapa kita, barang apa saja yang diproduksi, berapa besar kapasitas produksi, bagaimana kualitas barang, serta informasi pendukung lainnya. Anggaplah ini sebagai catalog produk yang biasanya dicetak oleh para eksportir dan disebarluaskan ke calon-calon buyernya di berbagai Negara. Bedanya, di situs web kita bisa memperbarui produk-produk dengan mudah dan cepat sehingga calon buyer selalu mendapat informasi terbaru.
b.      Search Engine Friendly
Pengguna Internet memiliki perilaku khusus dalam hal mencari informasi  produk. Mereka tidak terlalu suka langsung masuk ke situs web sebuah perusahaan dan mencari informasi produknya di sana. Mereka lebih senang mencarinya melalui search engine seperti Google, Yahoo!, MSN Live dan lainnya. Statistik dari berbagai lembaga riset menunjukkan, sekitar  68% pengguna Internet mencari informasi produk melalui mesin pencarian.
Oleh karena itu, wajib hukumnya memiliki situs web yang search engine friendly. Situs yang memenuhi standar ini akan mudah dan cepat diindeks oleh berbagai search engine utama, seperti Google, Yahoo! dan MSN Live. Banyak perusahaan yang seringkali abai dengan hal-hal semacam ini. Perhatian mereka lebih terfokus pada tampilan – indah tidaknya – sebuah situs. Padahal, search engine friendly ini justru memiliki nilai startegis agar mudah dicari pengguna Internet.
c.       Menguasai  Keyword yang Tepat
Jika kita berjualan furniture, maka kita harus melakukan audit, apakah ketika pengguna Internet mengetik keyword atau kata-kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan furniture itu, situs kita berada di halaman hasil pencarian yang strategis? Tidak harus no nomor satu hasil pencarian. Berada di halaman satu hasil pencarian sudah cukup bagus. Bagaimana pun, pengguna Internet masih rela membaca hasil pencarian sampai halaman ke lima.
Meski demikian, penguasaan kata kunci pun perlu strategi khusus. Saya sering bertemu dengan pemilik situs yang bangga bahwa kata kunci nama domiannya menduduki nomor satu hasil pencarian di search engine. Sebenarnya itu hal yang biasa saja. Yang justru harus diriset dengan serius adalah, kata kunci apa yang diketik oleh calon buyer kita berkaitan dengan produk yang kita tawarkan. Ketika kita menjual handphone misalnya, akankah menggunakan kata kunci handphone, mobile phone, atau cell phone? Memahami istilah-istilah yang berkaitan dengan produk yang kita jual ke negara-negara tertentu amat strategis dalam menembus ekspor.
d.      Promosi Online
Meski calon buyer akan datang dengan sendirinya jika situs kita search engine friendly dan menguasai keyword yang tepat, tetap saja sebuah web yang berorientasi penjualan harus dipromosikan dengan serius untuk mendapatkan pengunjung berkualitas. Sedikitnya ada tiga hal yang penting dilakukan.
Pertama, bergabung dengan e-marketplace dunia, seperti, dan serta emarket place vertical yang sesuai dengan produk yang kita jual. Di tempat maya itulah para buyer dan seller seluruh dunia bertemu.  Memang di sana persaingan amat ketat, banyak penjual produk yang sama dari negara lain atau bahkan dari sesama perusahaan Indonesia. Namun dari situlah kita akan mudah ditemukan oleh calon pembeli yang serius.
Kedua, bergabung dengan social networking dunia. Karena yang bergabung di social networking itu manusia, maka sebaiknya eksekutif perusahaan, bukan perusahaanya, yang bergabung ke socian networking itu. Jika ingin menembus pasar luar negeri, maka salah satu yang saya rekomendasikan adalah Inilah jaringan social dunia maya para eksekutif dan pebisnis dunia. Masuklah ke sana, bergabunglah dengan kelompok-kelompok orang yang diasumsikan membutuhkan produk kita.
Ketiga, promosi melalui Google Adwords, yang amat bermanfaat ketika kita tidak mampu menguasai keyword-keyword tertentu.
e.       Paham Seluk Beluk Ekspor
Ini langkah strategis yang harus disiapkan jauh-jauh hari. Percuma saja kita mendapatkan banyak potential buyer jika kita pada akhirnya tidak bisa mengirim barangnya ke negara tujuan karena tidak paham prosedur ekspor. Hal lain yang harus jadi perhatian adalah soal pembayaran. Kita harus paham betul soal LC dan prosedur pembayaran gara jangan sampai kita tertipu. Selalu ada saja peluang kita ditipu oleh buyer yang mau menerima barang tapi enggan membayar. Apalagi di dunia Internet, di mana kita tidak pernah bertemu dengan buyer kita.

Berikut Merupakan Video Cara Membuat Website

Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

Tomorrow Will Be Better ~ ATT9

When you wake up in the morning
Ketika Kamu bangun di pagi hari
When you haven't started to think
Bila Kamu belum mulai berpikir
There is a whole brand new day
Ada satu satu hari yang sangat berharga
Open wide and waiting for you
Terbuka lebar dan menunggu Kamu
I know in life's sorrow
Aku tahu dalam kesedihan hidup
you're on the verge of drowning
Kamu berada di ambang tenggelam
May your tears flea with yesterday
Semoga air mata mu yang tertumpah kemarin
Blow away with the wind
pergi tertiup angin

When you wake up in the morning
Ketika Kamu bangun di pagi hari
When you haven't started to think
Bila Kamu belum mulai berpikir
The world is out there calling open
Dunia di luar sana memanggil
eyes to new beginning
Membuka mata untuk awal baru
A newborn sun is shinning
Matahari yang sedang bersinar
Chasing shadows from your mind
Mengejar bayangan dari pikiran Kamu
Everything will be alive
Semuanya akan hidup
Under the sunshine's smile
di bawah sinar matahari yang tersenyum

Come out from your corner
Keluarlah dari kesendirian Kamu
No doubt in join us
Tidak ada keraguan untuk bergabung dengan kita
You can decide the future
Kamu dapat memutuskan masa depan
Devote your youthful power to this world
Mengabdikan tenaga muda Kamu ke dunia ini
Come together, hand in hand together
Ayo bersama-sama, bergandengan tangan
I know you'll do
Aku tahu kau akan melakukan
We pray and believe
Kita berdoa dan percaya
that tomorrow will be better
bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

No, I don't know what your name is
Tidak, aku tidak tahu siapa namamu
But you're so familiar to me
Tapi kau begitu akrab bagi aku
Cause we belong to one family
Karena kita  satu keluarga
You can hear my heart calling
Kamu dapat mendengar panggilan hatiku
Life can be music
Hidup bisa menjadi musik
Rainbows can be reached
pelangi bisa digapai
If you face yourself truly
Jika kamu mampu mengendalikan diri dengan sungguh-sungguh
Keep striving for your dream
teruslah berjuang untuk impian Kamu

Come out from your corner
Keluarlah dari kesendirian Kamu
No doubt in join us
Tidak ada keraguan untuk bergabung dengan kita
You can decide the future
Kamu dapat memutuskan masa depan
Devote your youthful power to this world
Mengabdikan tenaga muda Kamu ke dunia ini
Come together, hand in hand together
Ayo bersama-sama, bergandengan tangan bersama-sama
I know you'll do
Aku tahu kau akan melakukan
We pray and believe
Kita berdoa dan percaya
That tomorrow will be better
bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

When you wake up in the morning
Ketika Kamu bangun di pagi hari
When you haven't started to think
Bila Kamu belum mulai berpikir
There is a whole brand new day
Ada hari seluruh merek baru
Open wide and waiting for you
Terbuka lebar dan menunggu untuk Kamu
I know in life's sorrow
Aku tahu dalam kesedihan hidup
you're on the verge of drowning
Kamu berada di ambang tenggelam
May your tears flea with yesterday
Semoga air mata loak Kamu dengan kemarin
Blow away with the wind
meniup pergi dengan angin

Come out from your corner
Keluarlah dari sudut Kamu
No doubt in join us
Tidak ada keraguan dalam bergabung dengan kita
You can decide the future
Kamu dapat memutuskan masa depan
Devote your youthful power to this world
Mengabdikan tenaga muda Kamu ke dunia ini
Come together, hand in hand together
Ayo bersama-sama, bergandengan tangan bersama-sama
I know you'll do
Aku tahu kau akan melakukan
We pray and believe
Kita berdoa dan percaya
That tomorrow will be better
bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

Come out from your corner
Keluarlah dari sudut Kamu
No doubt in join us
Tidak ada keraguan dalam bergabung dengan kita
You can decide the future
Kamu dapat memutuskan masa depan
Devote your youthful power to this world
Mengabdikan tenaga muda Kamu ke dunia ini
Come together, hand in hand together
Ayo bersama-sama, bergandengan tangan bersama-sama
I know you'll do
Aku tahu kau akan melakukan
We pray and believe
Kita berdoa dan percaya
That tomorrow will be better
bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

Come out from your corner
Keluarlah dari sudut Kamu
No doubt in join us
Tidak ada keraguan dalam bergabung dengan kita
You can decide the future
Kamu dapat memutuskan masa depan
Devote your youthful power to this world
Mengabdikan tenaga muda Kamu ke dunia ini
Come together, hand in hand together
Ayo bersama-sama, bergandengan tangan bersama-sama
I know you'll do
Aku tahu kau akan melakukan
We pray and believe
Kita berdoa dan percaya
That tomorrow will be better
bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

Come out from your corner
Keluarlah dari kesendirian Kamu
No doubt in join us
Tidak ada keraguan untuk bergabung dengan kita
You can decide the future
Kamu dapat memutuskan masa depan
Devote your youthful power to this world
Mengabdikan tenaga muda Kamu ke dunia ini
Come together, hand in hand together
Ayo bersama-sama, bergandengan tangan
I know you'll do
Aku tahu kau akan melakukan
We pray and believe
Kita berdoa dan percaya
That tomorrow will be better
Bahwa besok akan menjadi lebih baik

Conclution : This song is about someone who motivates people he did not recognize, she informed that sadly there was no point, he said that he believes that tomorrow will be better, because it was said, rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation, persevering in prayer.


Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

do you think education is a right or a privilege, time is more important than money.

     Education is a privilege because without an nice education we can't be useful to our country. For example, People that have not get enough nice education will do something reckless like, stealing or something more reckless, because they forced to do that to fulfill their need with rob others. I said it's a right, because education is very important in our whole life, and without education we cannot count and do anything, and i said it's a privilege for student, because sometimes mature person starts from (40-90) they will retire for work, and no more studies so we as a children is very lucky to have an education as a privilege.

             If we already have a higher education and a steady job, we would have been sequestered with the name of the time. Time is more important than money, that's true, because if we lost time, we'll lost a chance of doing something better, or even more valuable than money. Time is more important than money, because time never stop, we can't reproduce time. But we can make money, but not time, it's why time is more important, it can't be buy.

Kamis, 29 September 2016

Scholarships in the UI: What and How?

UI students do not have to worry about tuition fees are expensive, because the UI gives plenty of opportunities to get a scholarship. According to the Directorate of Student Affairs UI, there are two categories of scholarship at the UI, the scholarship are derived from UI and scholarships that come from sponsors. UI itself does not separate between scholarships for underprivileged students or student achievement. For scholarship sponsor, UI helps disseminate information on scholarships and distribute it on request and the terms provided by the sponsor.

The form of scholarships from the UI is the dispensation of the establishment of BOP-B, and part-time scholarships. Scholarships are part-time part-time employment program for students who want to work part-time in various units within the UI. Obligations that must be met students in this program is 40 hours of work each month with compensation to be obtained student Rp 300.000, - (three hundred thousand rupiah) per month. Scholarships of sponsors can be derived governments, companies, individuals, foundations, and others with the type of financing and durations vary. There is a fund to finish college, there are only certain financing up to half. Given the amount of fees also vary, some are paying tuition per month alone, there were paying tuition plus a stipend per month, and some are adding by providing leadership training.

Usually the scholarship of links divided into three types, namely the achievement scholarships, fellowships less able, and mixtures scholarship. Scholarships are less capable usually intended for students whose families are less able to shape economies, these scholarships usually require a letter less capable of RT / RW as one of the conditions of filing. Merit scholarship is a scholarship that selects the recipients through a value grade point average (GPA) obtained from the students in certain semesters. Scholarship is a scholarship that has a mix of criteria based on a combination of needs and achievements. Based on the timeline of filing the scholarship was divided into two types, namely scholarships that can be filed before the student enters or starting college (before the first semester starts) as scholarship Misi, or scholarships that registration is opened after the respective student taking classes for several semesters, usually in two semesters beginning. It is associated with the requirement that the student must have a GPA, this usually applies to the merit scholarship.

The most important thing is the students who want to apply for a scholarship must complete the required documents as well as understand and undergo any process or steps that have been determined. The requirements of each scholarship usually varies, depending on the terms proposed, but in general the requirements typically include: GPA of at least 3:01, copies of pay slips of parents, a copy of family card, a copy of the Identity Card Student (KTM), curriculum vitae, filling in the form of scholarships and a statement is not active smokers. Some of the existing scholarship on the UI, including: PPA-BBM, BP Migas, Bank Indonesia, Sumitomo, Indocement, Exxon-Mobil, BRI, POSCO, UFJ, BMU, Scholarships Thousand Children of the Nation, BAZNAZ, Unilever, BCA, Shell, Karya Salemba 4 and others.

Information about scholarships latest in UI along with its requirements can be accessed online through page or through the Manager of Student and Alumni (Mahalum) in each faculty. Usually the Mahalum faculty will be posting notices about the scholarship information in-Mading Mading faculty. In addition there are also scholarships that information was available at the International Office UI, but this is special scholarships aimed at sending students abroad and the information can be accessed through page. Once a student completes all requirements and forms to be filled, typically the file will be compiled into Mahalum faculty, before Mahalum faculty forwarding the files to the Directorate of Student Affairs UI. After that the students concerned are only waiting for the announcement of the selection of scholarship reception. When it is received, usually the money will be transferred to the account of each recipient every month.

Jumat, 23 September 2016

3 Ways to Melt revenue from Google Adsense

Hasil gambar untuk cara mengambil uang dari adsense
Apparently a lot of bloggers who asked on several forums about how to take money or disburse income from google adsense?, Even some of them seem to still be wondering how a publisher is paid, then how can we accept payment ?, even many of them think that to dilute earnings google adsense must have an ATM, then there is also the thought, to join into a google adsense publisher must have a paypal account, I say to be a google adsense publisher or to dilute earnings google adsense you do not need to have ATM, account paypal etc. Simply identity cards such as ID cards or SIM alone can dilute your own google adsense revenue you earn very easily.Indeed, for novice bloggers who are new to the world adsense such questions legitimate, even I myself also experience the same thing, at the beginning I knew the internet business world, especially for google adsense, I personally also often wondered the same thing, about how we paid, where we can make money, how do we dilute earnings, and many similar questions more nothing to do with google adsense, because at that time I still lay in the world of google adsense, until I finally found right answer on how to redeem the google adsense revenue.How to Take Money from Google AdsenseTo mencairakan google adsense revenue that we have received, especially in Indonesia has been very easy, even in one day whatever money we earn from google adsense we can accept, there are three types of disbursements provided by google adsense can we gunaka as follows : 

1. Defrost Through Google AdSense Account Transfer WireOne 
method of disbursement google adsense that we can choose is through transfers between accounts, the conditions you must have a bank account, this method is the most secure, meaning that the money earned from google adsense revenue will be directly transferred to the bank account that we have, google will be paid in the form of currency appropriate that we set at adsense account, but the money goes into the account remains in rupiah currency from the conversion of foreign currency according to current exchange rates, if you intend to use this method to dilute earnings google adsense, you should you ask the bank is concerned, whether the relevant bank account can transfer from abroad or notTo use this method you must know the bio bank, covering the SWIFT code of the bank, bank name, account holder name and account number that you will use to transfer, the SWIFT code of your bank can ask the code directly into a bank officer concerned, if the personal data you already have, you can choose the wire transfer method in your own adsense account using the personal data.Learn also: How to dilute the google adsense income through bank transfer

2. Liquefaction Google AdSense through CEK 
Disbursement google adsense next is through checks, the disbursement of this type is no longer used in some countries are already familiar with Electronic funds transfer, and method of this melting process is quite long, a check will be sent through the post office and generally new checks can you receive after 2-4 weeks from the date after the check is sent, if within 60 days of the check is still not able to you, you must submit a payment check back through your adsense account, and if within 12 months or one year you receive a check that you have not melted , google adsense revenue will be deferred for a check expiration.Payments by check will be sent on behalf of Citibank, meaning that if you use this method, at least you must use a bank that has a relationship with Citibank to cash the check you.

3. Defrost Google AdSense via Western Union (WU) 
Method of disbursement google adsense next dalah via WU or western union, melting in this way is melting very fast and without any pieces cost a penny, even one day only the money already we can accept, especially when the number of available agents western union in every town can greatly simplify when the defrosting time.To use the method of disbursement of this type, you have to set the method of disbursement in your adsense account with western union, by entering personal data as it appears on your identity card, ID card or sim, for mencaikan you can go to an agent wu locals such as post offices and agents wu more by bringing a photocopy and MTCN code or codes of melting, so you can understand the method of disbursement of this type you can learn about how to redeem the google adsense revenue through western union. 
Similarly, about 3 Ways to Melt Revenue from Google Adsense, may be useful.

Selasa, 20 September 2016

Download Film Korea Train To Busan (2016) Subtitle English/Indonesia

Download Film Korea Train To Busan (2015) Subtitle Indonesia 

Train To Busan is south korea 2016 movie genre Action-Thriller. Directed by Yeon Sang-Ho and starring Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-Mi, Ma Dong-Seok, Kim Soo-Ahn. Train to Busan release on July 20, 2016 which had previously been screened paca event Cannes Film Festival in May, 2016.

Seok-Woo (Gong Yoo) is a fund manager in Seoul. He is separated from his wife and lives with his daughter Soo-An (Kim Soo-Ahn). Seok-Woo does not spend much time with his daughter or show affection to her. On the night before Soo-An's birthday, Soo-An INSISTS on seeing her mother for her birthday. Seok-Woo has no other choice, but to take her to Busan. Early the next morning, they board the train for Busan KTX at Seoul Station.

Train To Busan

Movie: Train To Busan (English title) / For Busan (literal title)
Revised romanization: Busanhaeng
Hangul: 부산행
Director: Yeon Sang-Ho
Writer: Park Joo-Suk, Yeon Sang-Ho
Producer: Lee Dong-Ha, Kim Yeon-Ho
Cinematographer: Lee Hyung-Duk
World Premiere: May, 2016 (Cannes Film Festival)
Release Date: July 20, 2016
Runtime: 118 min.
Genre: Action / Suspense-Thriller / Train / Zombie
Distributor: Next Entertainment World
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea